Saturday, April 23, 2011

HyperSpace HD By: SpaceGoogie

A video Preview of HS HD

INTRO:Every few days I receive a crap load of emails from people asking me "how do I get a copy of your MA skin/theme?" So to make things easier I made this page with all the info and links you should need. Thanks again to all that have donated and help support my MA skins/themes !Maximus Arcade is a frontend for all your emulator needs, So is the frontend HyperSpin. HyperSpin offers a different background for every emulator unlike Maximus Arcade. The only downside to HyperSpin is how much time it takes to set it up. It takes a long time. Maximus Arcade sets up in no time. I had my HyperSpin set up and ready to go in like 2 days, but when I went to launch my M.A.M.E. games it would not work because of the type of "Rom Set"  I had. So I said that's it back to Maximus Arcade.  I have been making skins/themes for Maximus Arcade for a few years now.

 I showed off one of my skins/themes on youtube and people were emailing me left and right asking me where they could get it. I told them I was sorry but this was not something I planed on putting out for everyone to use, it was just something I made for my self. Well more and more emails came so I thought OK, I'll make a theme for people to use. I want it to be different then any of the other MA skins/themes. After really playing around with the MA theme editor I realized how limited it really was. I had a few different Ver of my own MA skin/theme, there was HyperSpacegoogie 1.0, HyperSpacegoogie 2.0,  MultiKombat,and then my last one was HyperSpace HD. HyperSpace HD was finally done.

After months and months hours and hours and a bunch of sleepless nights it was ready for download. HyperSpace HD would change the way people saw their MA frontend  forever! Out of the hand-full of skins/themes I put out this was the only one with HD resolutions, and every emulator in MA had a different background and a different game select screen for every system. This has never been done in MA. I wanted my fellow gamers who really liked HyperSpin to be able to get somewhat of the same experience in MA but could not due to the complicity of the HyperSpin setup.

After a few of my buddies tried out my skin/theme they said I should charge a minimum donation fee of  $5.00. I thought this  might not be a bad Idea because 1.  I was layed off.   2. I spent so many months on this.(couldn't even tell you how many hours went into this) so why not let see how that goes. Well it's going pretty good. The positive response is super! People have donated $10.00, $15.00, and even $ 20.00. Thanks to all that have donated!


 If you have read the above you will know why I'm asking for a minimum of  a $5.00 donation. All you have to do is make your $5.00 donation (or more if your feeling generous)
by clicking on the "Donate"  button right here: 
Once the donation has been processed with in
48 hours (normaly a few hours)  you will receive the download link and the password.

!!!Please Note!!:
Use at your own risk!
When using the HyperSpace HD skin you MUST delete your marquee paths for whatever emulator your using
Go to the MA config section. If you have a path to your marquee's
get rid of it or this skin will not work!MARQUEE PATH MUST BE EMPTY!MA theme editor is limited so I had to do what would work!!
This skin/theme works on my computer and a dozen others, so like I said use at your own risk.

I receive emails from people asking if I can make a resolution that's not supported or if I can make them a custom skin/theme.
The answer as of now is no I can not. I'm sorry, but I'm unable to at this time.
One of the problems I get reports on is the password does not work. The password does work.

 Becareful how you enter it.
Please don't ask me for roms, I will just ignore it.

Resolutions supported in HyperSpace HD:
!!!!!!DO NOT FORGET!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS IS A MUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please post a comment and let others and myself know how you like HS HD!
Or just say hi!

Some Cool Links To Check Out:

My post on Maximus Arcade :

Maximus Arcade HomePage:

My YouTube Page:

B.Y.O.A.C. (Build Your Own Arcade Controls):


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think I found a bug in your 640x280 version.

    When you enter a game list, starting from the top, you can scroll down the first 4 games, at the 5th there is a gap (or something like that), the snap is from the 5th game, if you start the game it runs the 5th but the flames are still to the 4th place, and the bug go on with the other games down there.

    I hope you undertand my italian-english.


  3. Can you send me new version 2.6?

  4. I have buy old version.
    I whould like new version v.2.6
    Can you send me?
